Whole 30 Update



Whole 30 Update:

I finished up my Whole 30 on January 30…and I decided to keep going with it.  So today is actually Day 44 for me (I’m not really counting but figured it out for the sake of this post.)!  Not sure how long I’ll go – maybe through the end of February.  We’ll see…I really don’t mind it at all.

Some observations:

I had been having some back pain and joint pain in my hands before I started.  And during the night, my hands would fall asleep and would ache and have “pins and needles”.  Around Day 5-6, it all cleared up.

I had more energy, and I slept better.

I lost 14 pounds…woot woot!

I had some slight eczema…gone.

And…the acne that I have had for the past 30 years cleared up within three weeks.  I can only attribute this to a dairy sensitivity.  When we were on GAPS, I never had that long of a break from dairy.  Maybe a week.   I had myself convinced that dairy and I were OK.  Sigh.  I love cheese.   Pretty cool though to finally get that resolved…after only three decades lol.  And I have still been able to eat ghee (clarified butter) – seemingly without problem.

I’m going on longer because I have a little more weight I’d like to shed, and I also have one ginormous Sugar Dragon.  I think it is slain 🙂 but I don’t want to quit too soon and find out otherwise.  I have fallen off the wagon more than once…finding myself pigging out on Trader Joe’s honey patties and grain free homemade chocolate donuts…and claiming  “It’s all good because they’re GAPS legal…”

I am using this as a transition to long term Paleo.  THIS IS NOT A FAD DIET.

Sleep Update:  I started that with the greatest of intentions.  Really, I did.  I have managed to move my bedtime from 11:30 to earlier so that is a positive thing.  For awhile, I was really good about being in bed by 10:00…and then I was not so good again.  Been reading in the “Paleo Approach” by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne about the importance of sleep, protecting your circadian rhythms, etc….and I know that’s definitely an area to work on SOON.

So from here…I am actually planning to start the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol soon.  Maybe in March.  Probably in March.  I’m mentally ready today but don’t actually have a plan lol so I know it would be bad to just start today.  I think I’d like to just end the Whole 30 and launch right into AIP so I don’t have to give up chocolate all over again.

That’s all I know for right now…so as the sign says…”Keep Calm and Whole 30 On!” 🙂


About earthmuffinmom

I am a Christian mom and wife who is watching and waiting impatiently for the Lord's return in a world that is getting nuttier by the day. My main interests are in the areas of Biblical end times/eschatology and early Genesis/creation. To understand the end...you must understand the beginning! My other passion is health and healing! Our family has also been greatly blessed over the past several years with healing through natural health and diet (generally Paleo/grain free). I love sharing this information with other people, and helping folks in their healing journeys. That being said...I am not a doctor...so I'm not responsible for any decisions you may make in regards to your own health. Other stuff: I am married to a wonderful man who I have had the privilege of having three beautiful children with. We have been married for over sixteen years. I work full time, but have the blessing of working from my home, and I homeschool my oldest child. We enjoy homesteading...and while we live in a small, rural town...we have worked hard to develop our yard into a "little bit of country in town"...complete with our "farm dog," Buddy, and five chickens. Thanks for checking out my blog!

2 responses »

  1. Way to go! The confirmation of dairy sensitivity is a major event to celebrate! It sounds like you have had so many pluses with the Whole30 diet. It certainly is not a fad diet! I hope that the APP diet works well for you when you start it in the near future. Congratulations!

  2. That is awesome! My husband and I did the Whole 30 about a year and a half ago with much success…continued for quite awhile, but then life got in the way. Your post has made me think I need to bust that book out again! There were lots of things that we did take from it that we have continued to hold onto. We had never used ghee, coconut oil, or coconut aminos before Whole 30, and now they are staples in our home. 🙂

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