Tag Archives: fishing

Homesteading video: Fish from Man Made Pond


So I feel a bit like “I’ve been gone and now I’m back”…hello again!  🙂  It’s been such a busy several months.  Kids are in more and more activities, busy with church, new job, garden…the blog has taken a back seat.  I’m thankful for a Facebook friend who has refueled my love for homesteading…and I thought I’d share some videos that he has shared with me.

This one is cool…fishing in their man made pond.  I’m wondering if any readers have done this?  We have 10 acres near where we live, and I’d like to tackle this as a project one of these years.  We are surrounded by farmland though, and I’m speculating as to what ickiness would eventually work its way into the pond if we did such a thing.  If anyone has personal experience or input, I’d like to hear it.

Anyhow, this woman has many videos on You Tube…if you want more, look up “Misty Prepper.”