Tag Archives: gluten free

Pom-Bucha “Jello Jigglers” (GAPS, Paleo, GF)



I’ve been intending to post this for awhile.  We really like it – made it tonight for Super Bowl treats last weekend.  Original recipe from the Holistic Squid. 🙂  I really like that it is a probiotic food as well!

You could use plain GT Synergy Kombucha, or make your own


Jello just does not photograph well.  No matter what I did.  Not pretty.  Tastes good anyhow.

Pom-Bucha “Jello Jigglers”:

16 oz bottle of Pom juice (we like the Pomegranate Blueberry one best)

16 oz kombucha

4 T. gelatin

Pour kombucha into an 8 x 8″ Pyrex baking dish.  Sprinkle gelatin over the kombucha and let it sit until moistened – about five minutes.  Heat Pom juice to boiling, then pour over kombucha/gelatin mixture.  Stir thoroughly until all the gelatin is dissolved.  Refrigerate for several hours.


Raspberry Nectarine Ice Cream (gluten free)


We have been enjoying our raspberries off the bushes in our backyard lately, and the in-season nectarines.  We lucked out and found some beautiful organic ones at Whole Foods a couple weeks ago.  I made some yummy ice cream:


Raspberry Nectarine Ice Cream:

1.5 quarts of whole cream

3 whole nectarines, cut in half and pitted

1/2 c. fresh or frozen raspberries

3 egg yolks (these can be omitted, if you do not have a good source of pastured eggs – the ice cream will just not be as creamy)

1/4 c. real maple syrup

Blend everything in blender.  Put in ice cream machine and process according to manufacturer directions.  We topped ours with fresh raspberries and chopped walnuts.

Preserving Herbs: Basil Pesto and Garlic Scapes


This is going to be a quick post because we’ve just been so busy this summer, I haven’t had time to post, but I thought it was worth sharing.  Sorry, I don’t have step by step pics but it was pretty easy so hopefully you’ll get the gist.

Herb Preservation – Part 1 – Garlic scapes:  I planted a ton of garlic last fall, and got a Walmart shopping bag full of scapes once I cut those off.

To preserve them, I stuffed the whole lot into my food processor with a little extra virgin olive oil (highly technical, I know).  I don’t have an exact amount of either, nor do I think you need one.  I added olive oil as I needed to, as they were processed in the machine.  I ended up with a thick garlic scape paste.  I put into ice cube trays, and froze.  Once they were frozen, I popped them out of the trays and stored in a large plastic bag.  This way, I can add them to soups or other dishes.  I think I’ll also try to thaw them and see if I can use in salad dressings.  Maybe they’ll be too wilty, but it’s worth a try.



Herb preservation Part 2 – Basil Pesto:

I gave my basil a haircut last weekend and got all of this:


And this is how I made my pesto:

4 c. packed basil

2-3 cloves garlic

1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil (I added a little more as needed)

1/4-1/2 c. cheese (I used Organic Valley raw sharp cheddar, I did not grate but cut in smaller pieces)

1/2 c. walnuts

Process in blender.  It takes a little while to get it all blended, and you will have to stop your blender often to pack it down again and/or mix it up.  I did a batch at a time, and I had enough for 6 pints.  Store in freezer.  I made sure to leave about an inch or so head room to allow for expansion when frozen.   I took a picture of the end results and it was lopsided and I had a big mess in the background, so I decided to skip it. 🙂  The pesto was beautiful, anyhow.   You’ll just have to take my word for it. 🙂