Category Archives: Earth Muffin News

Off Grid/Homesteading Video


A friend told me about these videos – the daughter of Carla Emery of the “Encyclopedia of Country Living” fame has multiple informational videos on You Tube re:  off grid living and homesteading.  They were fun to watch…a girl can dream.  Thought I’d share.   I want their yurt. 🙂



“Back to Eden” Garden Tour


Almost mid-February….AND I’M ITCHING TO GARDEN.  We are looking into a couple of potential new gardening ventures, and I had the “Back to Eden” documentary recommended to me by a fellow Christian gardener.  I thought I had it on You Tube, but as it turns out, I only had the “Garden Tour”.

Any which way, it was so much fun to see Mr. Gautschi’s little bit of heaven. 🙂  It is amazing!  Especially when it’s cold and icy here.  So I thought I’d share:

He has a lot of wisdom about what I’d call Biblically-inspired gardening and homesteading, and makes some really great points that I had never given thought to before based on Creation.  He is also an advocate for no-till gardening, which has intrigued me for awhile, so I’ll be watching more of You Tube videos about him and his methods.

I haven’t checked it out yet myself, but if you’re interested I believe you can watch the original documentary on the website/link given at the top of this post.

The countdown begins to seed starting in the house…one more month!!!!!  Woot woot!

Space Saving Gardening Ideas


Having the ability to produce alot of food has become very important to us.  Food prices continue to rise and “healthy” eating becomes fiscally more difficult all the time.  And…there’s just nothing better than that window of a few months where you can go out and pick your own fresh greens, luscious tomatoes (better than the mealy store ones!), etc.  We love variety and I try to plant anywhere from 2-10 varieties of everything we plant just for the fun of it.

We live in town, and have limited space.  Last year we overhauled our backyard and were able to double the amount of garden area we had, which helped alot.   We other garden space outside our yard last year, and do not have it this year, so we were forced to be creative.  We came up with several ideas that I thought were worth sharing and so far they’ve been successful.

Delicata squash in a tomato cage:


Heirloom hidatsa shield beans on netting (we got it at Peaceful Valley Farm Supply):


Lots and lots of cabbages, planted closely.  I gave about a foot distance between them.  Ignore the weeds.


Melons and cucumbers growing up cattle panels.  We asked around and got most of ours for free, but you can get them at farm supply stores too. 🙂


Baby chanterais melon growing up a cattle panel:


Potted spaghetti squash with a tomato cage:


Raised beds with strawberry plants (again, ignore the weeds):


Herb pots are great – here is some spearmint:






Potato bags (I bought these from a friend at a rummage sale, but I think she got them at Gardener’s Supply originally.  You could also check eBay.):


Raised beds (we have 32 pepper plants of all varieties in 2 4×4 beds…and they are all doing great!):


Our very tiny Country Gentleman heirloom organic corn planted in some area by the alley that we tilled up late this spring.  We are hopeful. 🙂


Pie pumpkins on cattle panels out near the alley.  Planted late, but again…we’re hopeful.


This has been the most productive garden we’ve had, and I attribute alot of that to growing more things vertically than we ever have.   Be warned, it’s a process.  Every year we tweak it (keeping records is very helpful) and try to add on in some way.  I’m happy with our little plot in the alley, and even if nothing produces this year we’ll have it ready for next year.  Hope these ideas were helpful!